Live. Love. Laugh...

After so many fashion posts then surely i am letting the side down by not doing an inspirational one??! I don't know what's wrong with me of late. I feel pretty settled in life, yes there is the small matter of a job and money and living...indeed it is a viscious circle! But one i intend to contend with on the moro! Other than this i have nothing to complain about (other than the usual 'i need that dress' or 'i NEED that bag' these are all standard things!) However, i spend every day with my family, inbetween i visit the Fax and see my best friends and get slightly inebriated and chat about simply everything. I have a delightful flat, with a room kitted out like a vat of candyfloss has exploded in there! PINK! Just the way i like it! Yes, i have to say that life is definitely in my favour at the moment. Someone up there is loving me, so for whatever reason that may be then i thank you and please do carry on! Holiday weeks really are the best and being on pretty much my third i am not tiring of it! Days are passing too quick and i have so much to do! Trips to Manchester tomorrow (fingers crossed people), trips to Halifax on Thursday, celebrations on Friday, weekend with more catch ups planned...

...Ahh it's a hard life being content and busy, but someone's got to do it and i am so pleased that it's me for a change! (Never forgetting that Southern charmer who made me realise that life after all is for living!!! A million thank you's!!!Xxx)


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