Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life...

Paris is like one of those gifts that just keeps on giving! Yesterday saw the Givenchy show, Celine (my all-time fave!!) and lots of perfct street-style shots! I don't even know where to begin. I am part-blogging and part job searching today. A very good multi-tasker if i do say so myself. I will be a domesticated goddess one day, a perfect housewife...! Anyway, we were discussing the glorious Paris and all the wondrous shows it has been giving these past few days. I feel i am more excited then i was over LFW, tut, tut Lucy!!

So, before i get into the shows and the wondrous clothes by the fashion royalty, i will start by showing the joy of being in warmer weather (or just pretending that you are!) Even as i am sat here the sun is gazing in at me and the sky is a lush shade of blue. It makes me want to go and put my brightest clothes on and pretend its the start of Summer, Summer, Summertime!!!!! So, even though the days aren't bringing me much luck of late you always have to think that things can be worse and as the title says 'Always look on the bright side of life... and that is just what i intend to do.

Check out these fashionistas embracing the start of the better seasons...

(I simply had to end with my fave Leigh Lezark, totally working it in her orange pants!)

So, whether it's the dizzy heights of orangina or the toned down pastels of mint green (everywhere at the mo!) brights are most definitely the way forward!

Take a walk on the bright side of life! Follow in the Parisians footsteps, they totally know where it's at!!!Xxx


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