Bring Me Sunshine...
A rainy Sunday afternoon watching 'Tangled' with the kids is simply perfect (until one has a tantrum and then it becomes less fun!) Nonetheless i envy the lead characters hair, yes i know she is a mere animation but what girl wouldn't give for long golden magical hair??! Exactly! Today brought a stark realization that another stint in London is going to have to happen (hence wanting the enchanted hair!) Yes there were tears and yes there will be wine...but until then i shall cheer myself with British Vogue on the good old Facebook. Talk of brights in Paris and Haider Ackermann's collection is getting me all excitable. Ahh my love for fashion will see me through anything. Blogging fun will undoubtedly ensue this eve when i have had my fill of trawling websites and am full to the brim of Sunday lunch and intoxicated with wine. Perfect end to a somewhat questionable Sunday...
*Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason...*
*Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason, everything happens for a reason...*
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