Artist Formerly Known As...

So, I’m back. After a three year hiatus, here I am. A new name. A new look. It was hard to say goodbye to ‘The Cult of Queen Bee’, I created her way back in my Harvey Nichols days...six and a half years ago to be precise. And a hell of a lot has happened since then, well, as I’m sure you can tell my last post was from when I was living in Amsterdam!!! 2014! And now here we are nearing the end of 2017 and that life is but a distant memory. A good memory at that. But, all these things are to be found out along the way. So I might appear different, but it’s still me really. Don’t worry. . Still the same ramblings about life, love, fashion, friends. All sorts to keep you amused (or not!)  I’m working on the overall layout and theme etc, but I’ve never been all that great with technology and computers. And these days all work is done either from my iPad or my iPhone...these are not made for such work on blogs. So, please forgive me on this front. I’m a writer not a designer (but all help will be greatly, greatly received!!) And I am most definitely hoping that emojis work on blogs, I am an avid fan of emojis. I reckon I could write an entire post just with emojis. Anyway, before I go off on a tangent (which I’m sure you all know I can frequently do) I’ll end my rather long ‘hello’ post and say ‘until next time!’ And I 100% promise that it won’t be in 3 years time...!!!Xxx


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