The Sartorialist...

Oh how i wish i was in London right now (just for the day don't get excited!!! My decision to move back to my roots was my best decision to date...amongst others...!) Harrods are dedicating one of their windows to the wonderful Sartorialist. One of the first blogs i got addicted to and one of the reasons i want an iPhone again (Blackberry's don't offer that app!!!) he got me well and truly knee deep in fashion world that i never wanted to get out again. This man captures street style globally, but also uploads old phoyos of his family, i love that nostalgic aspect. Anyhow, i digress, the reason behind this is die to the launh of his second book The Sartorialist: Closer. Schuman will also hold a special shining to mark the release in his little window on Monday 17th September at 6pm. Definitely not one to miss!!! 



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