Anna Dello Russo X H&M...

Now i do remember doing a whole post on my love for everything to do with this woman. The fact that she is like a real life Carrie Bradshaw. The outfits she puts together are like my imagination thrown on a figure, the hair, the glasses, the heels, the bags, this woman must have a wardrobe bigger than my flat. And now i can own a piece of her. Well, i say a piece, it'a more like a manufactured segment of her life, but that's got to be better than nothing, right??! Yes i hear you say! I can quite honestly say that come the 4th October i will be waking up (because of course i will have camped outside!!!) outside H&M, awaiting the doors opening to rush inside and purchase a beautiful item from the Anna Dello Russo accessories collection. She is the Queen of all that is golden in the fashion world. This woman is near enough GOD! The Vogue Japan editor-at-large will be unveiling her debut line in the high-street haven real soon. And here is a sneaky look at what you have waiting... 


Ok so maybe i have shown you the entire collection, BUT this is never a bad thing! This can only mean that panic buying is at an all time low and you can be in and at the cash desk in record timing!!! Perfect!!!Xxx


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