Home Is Where The Heart Is...

And so that time of week arrives once again when i must take the journey back to the Motherland. I make it sound like a chore, trust me when i say, a chore it is not!! Don't get me wrong, my new home has become just that, but returning to the family is the best feeling ever! Especially when they are just starting a new business venture. Well, not entirely new, more expanding. Unfortunately i shall be back down here celebrating birthdays in The Wolseley (oh yet another chore!!!) by the time they launch the new salon. However, i shall feel i am there in spirit.

So trips to the hairdressers planned, time with the ever-incresing brood and my little doggies, but best of all my washing done and home-cooked food!!!!! It's to be hoped Mother dearest dosn't read that!!

Bye for now people!!!Xxx


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