Back To The Future...

And it's back to London with a bang! Night out in Clapham and then back to the grindstone today. And what a quiet grindstone it is! Half-term really does make people plough money in places other than our beloved store. However, on a plus side the tubes are slightly more bearable! But ask me that again at 9am tomorrow morning, my reponse may somewhat differ.
So much to look forward to and so little time to have to wait. I am actually rather liking the lead up to holiday due to the fact that when it gets here it will fly by without me even noticing! And i intend to enjoy every single moment of the trip, before, during and after!

Having just enjoyed a weekend with half of the family i am feeling most fresh for the start of the week. As usual tears ensued upon departure which makes me so thankful for the drinks last night! It constantly makes me question if i am doing the right thing but then i get back to my friends, win incentives (prize: two pieces of clothes or vouchers) and i realise that walking down Brick Lane in my (nearly bought) new Alexander Wang shirt definitely brings out the pros in my rather lengthy list of cons! Superficial you may say but there has to be some joyful positives to living so far away from the family! Even if it is material things such as new designer garb! Knowing that at some point i shall return to my homeland and continue my life there is quite a comforting thought, going backwards but in a life-changing positive kind of way!

But to get back to's moments like this that makes life worthwhile...

Not particularly fashion related, related. The things that are important, my ever-expanding family...oh and of course my new shirt!!! There you go, there's the fashion link!!!Xxx


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