Pretty In Pink...

A regular Monday afternoon. I flick on to Sky to see what cheesy movies can keep me entertained. Not only does the soundtrack feature music by two of my favourite bands...The Smiths, Echo And The Bunnymen...but it also stars my new fashion icon, my inspiration over recent years. All hail Molly Ringwald. Pretty In Pink, pretty in everything. Yes, yes my new girl crush!!! Obviously i have fallen madly in love with Andrew McCarthy also, this goes without saying. (We are currently at the prom and i am holding out for a reunion between the two, its got to happen, this is Hollywood afterall, happy endings go without saying!)

Right from her short red hair, to her oversized blazers and flowery leggings. I heart this girl. She wears nothing that isnt pure Coolness, yes thats right, cool with a capital C!!! (They have just kissed, yesssss!) Stonewash denim, enough jewellery to start up a shop, wayfarers, trilbys and lace....ahhh i can almost smell the 80s!
I am a girl obsessed.
Next stop Breakfast Club...she had better not let me down!
Move over Kate Moss. You have been replaced.
Molly Ringwald...i heart you!!Xxx


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