It's A Celebration...

Well who would have thought it...little old me as Little Miss Manager. This makes a nice change as growing up i was more like Little Miss Naughty!!! Yes, i may sound like butter wouldnt melt but i was a tiny bit suspect in my younger years!
Obviously when one gets a new job, one celebrates...alot! And i am doing this in abundance. Never have i uttered the words 'Mother dearest, i will be out every night!' I quite like being this popular of late! And knowing that friends owe me drinks by the dozen means that my money is free for new clothes for a new beginning in my life. I fear i may go over the top with the new wardrobe and this cant really happen as wedding and holiday season is fast dresses and swimsuits are a-calling!
Here are just a few things that i may find purchasing, obviously just in celebration of my new post...!

By Malene Birger £215

Zara £22.99

Zara £29.99

Zara £35.99

Kurt Geiger £120

American Apparel £46

Ahhhhh i could go on and on! Doing this has probably been a mistake as i am now going to go well and truly shopping on payday! Ooops! Hiding carriers will definitely be the way forward on that day!!!!! Ah well, its all in a good cause...Celebrate good times COME ON!!!!!Xxx


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