Like A Little Piece Of Heaven...

Ahhh and the wedding season is at last upon us! I have the grand total of three to attend this year and this makes me very happy...not just because i'm finally not a bridesmaid...but because i get to see some of my favourite people tie the knot!! OK, so the first probably rings more true for me! I thought i had settled on outfits and alas, i have not! This doesn't shock me, and to be fair i imagine it doesn't shock many of you. I am theeeee most indecisive person i have met!!! I didn't dare buy an outfit just incase i fell in love with something else at a later date. Oh its just like men, dont fall for one just incase a better one comes along when you least expect it!!!!! But this was before this fell into my life, like a perfect little raindrop (should a raindrop come in such beautiful colours!) I feel that as i have a new job (yes, yes say hello to Little Miss ADM...thank you, thank you very much *round of applause*!!!!!) and the fact that i have a wedding in the beautiful surroundings of Whitby, i deserve to have this slice of perfection. Afterall, what do you work so hard for if you cant at least treat yourself every so often...

Ahhhhh i can almost feel the dress on me already! We were made for eachother. I shall be at the weddings with my perfect match!!!Xxx


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