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Monday, Monday...

Since when did life become so busy that I didn’t have time to write?? I seem to have clogged up my ‘Notes’ app with reminders, lists, updates, bullet points for numerous blogposts (most of which I’ve now forgotten the whole point of hence them never getting put on said blog πŸ™„) I’ve had to delete most (something I hate doing btw!!!) to make room for more to be added. Viscious circle innit?! Another thing I find myself doing is apologising for not having time to ‘life’ these days. There’s barely enough hours in the day and by the time it hits 5pm I’m normally that tired I cannot wait to get home to my sofa. Cuppa. And some cheesy movie channel before hitting the sack anytime between 9:30 & 10pm. What on Earth has happened to me?? πŸ˜‚ On a serious note I don’t mind this life at all. I do feel like a recluse sometimes but this is the price of having your own business. It’s like I’ve had a baby, actually, two babies. The shop and my little puppy. Both need constant attention and rely on...

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