I was never a massive fan of sayings like this, I don’t really know why. I’m not against women in business or anything (obvs πŸ’πŸ») it was just like we were making a really obvious statement like girls weren’t meant to be bosses. Like, is there a #BOYBOSS ...hmmm, I’m thinking it doesn’t have as many hits as the former...?! But the ironic thing is that I am now a fully fledged, real life, in da flesh #GIRLBOSS πŸ’πŸ»πŸ™‹πŸ»πŸ’ͺπŸΌπŸ‘ŠπŸΌ (with alllll the emojis) As in, I am my own boss. And I’m a girl, well, woman really. I don’t know about you, but I always feel really weird (read that as old) when someone calls me a woman. But, my mums a woman, so are my sisters, surely I’m still about 17??? No?? Shit. Maybe it’s time I started embracing this new title...😬😳 Does this mean I have to start wearing power suits and carrying a briefcase? Nahhh maybe not, I’ll never be able to give up my Skinnies and love of men’s majorly oversized tops! 
So, there you have it. I’m a #GIRLBOSS . And there is no finer feeling than working for yourself. I guess it’s always a dream to have your own boutique after years of working in fashion. I’ve done the luxury. I’ve done the big cities. And now it seems that Ilkley is my home. So many great places opening and so many local businesses to support. (I now always try and shop local.) The independents are where it’s at (I guess I am a bit biased) but there’s that feeling of belonging. Like people know you. It’s starting to sound a bit like ‘Cheers’ ...’where everybody knows your name...!’ 

(I would add pictures of ThirtyFour but for some reason my iPad wants to upload photos from 2014 and some of which I haven’t even seen since that time! So perhaps I’ll leave photo hour for a later date when I’ve actually remembered how to do it πŸ™ƒ) 

Coming up on the blog btw is all about the business and what lead me to this next massive step in my (seemingly) ever changing life...so watch this space!!!



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