Monday, Monday...

Since when did life become so busy that I didn’t have time to write?? I seem to have clogged up my ‘Notes’ app with reminders, lists, updates, bullet points for numerous blogposts (most of which I’ve now forgotten the whole point of hence them never getting put on said blog 🙄) I’ve had to delete most (something I hate doing btw!!!) to make room for more to be added. Viscious circle innit?! Another thing I find myself doing is apologising for not having time to ‘life’ these days. There’s barely enough hours in the day and by the time it hits 5pm I’m normally that tired I cannot wait to get home to my sofa. Cuppa. And some cheesy movie channel before hitting the sack anytime between 9:30 & 10pm. What on Earth has happened to me?? 😂 On a serious note I don’t mind this life at all. I do feel like a recluse sometimes but this is the price of having your own business. It’s like I’ve had a baby, actually, two babies. The shop and my little puppy. Both need constant attention and rely on me for every single thing. But. I love the responsibility. I thrive on it. I need it to keep me going. Gone are the days I can have an impromptu night out. What the hell would I do with Betsy?! I NEED that early night to ensure those early mornings. Days spent on your feet for 7 hours take there toll on you I can tell ya!! The one thing I do hate is being forgetful 😩😩 I’ve never been this in my entire life. In fact a best friend came to stay a week or so ago and even she was shocked by this revelation, adding ‘I bet you hate theat!!!?’ I DO. I REALLY DO. Now, is this age? Is this what being mid-30’s does? Is it tiredness? Is it the businesswoman side effects? They didn’t write those on the side of the tin 😂😂  And just to take a swift moment off course. I absolutely loved seeing Franabelle again. Not only has it been about 5 years but it’s a reminder of days gone by. A bloody great reminder at that. A reminder that you once did stuff. Like, I moved away. I lived in London. I did that. Your life becomes like a little bubble. You wake up. Go to work. Go home. Eat. Sleep. Repeat. Your once wild  nights out in Leeds or London are now in the outskirts of the cities. Same places. Same faces. It’s easy to forget that you actually did all these different things. Then people come back to reminisce with you. Laugh with you. And confirm that you are someone. I had dreams. I did them. I lived them. I wouldn’t trade the life I have now for those days again. No way. But the memories are enough to help the confidence that I am very slowly regaining. And the feeling is fuckin amazing.
So. Yeah. 34 and going to bed at 10pm. I get home and check out the tv channels. What can I get my fill of before the designated bedtime?! I stayed up until 11pm the other night to watch a WHOLE film...yeah, I regretted that the next morning. Dragging yourself out of bed in the dark is not one of my fave pastimes. Is it time for summer yet?! How many sleeps are we on til summer?! Can I hibernate until then?? Seriously though, this is definitely the best thing I’ve ever done. Well. Two things. So I do apologise for turning boring. But. At the mo, boring is all I have in me. I’m only looking forward to Christmas for the thought of 2 days off in a row and I haven’t had that since...erm, the beginning of October, and even then I’ll be wanting to get to work. Total game changer when it’s your own business. Working 7 days a week. There’s going above and beyond and then there’s going even more above-er and beyond-er. Yeah. I’m at that level. 🙃 Would I change it?! NOT. A . CHANCE. Life constantly changes and goes round in circles. And all hard work pays off in the long run, right?! 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m just in the hard work phase right now. But I’ll find that balance when it’s the right time. That’s life. All about time.

Happy Monday!!! (And I PROMISE not to leave it so long until my next post) Xxx


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