Saturday, Saturday...

So at the end of rather a weird week, I now have the prospect of four whole days off. Friends, family and hoping for enough sun to get on my new Celines! Yesssss. 'Tis true that everything happens for a reason and something's just aren't meant to be, it doesn't stop things from being sad however. But I am far from feeling down and depressed, that is one place I shall be staying far away from!!! Usually in moments like this I swear off all men stating I shall never date or trust again, but after a long period of knowing something just wasn't right, I kinda got the feeling that there was so some else for me out there. It was nice to have the courage and the strength to reach out and change my life, for the better may I add, for the first time ever. Knowing what could have happened, or knowing the outcome, I held back the fear and finally felt proud of myself. So my mantra from so long ago has come back to help me through. People do come in and out of your life, and the latter is always for a reason! See there it is again. Leave no time for regrets as everything is a lesson learned. Now enough of the sentimental, emotional stuff. I have a weekend to prepare for. Nails. Check. Hair. En route in approximately T minus 1 hour. Outfit. Pre-prepared. But first, a day with the delightful Charles and beautiful babies!!! Happy Weekend People!!!Xxx


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