Damien Hirst...

Stuck in London and wondering what to do next??! This is criminal in itself, not only are you in the capital anyway but there should never be a moment that you are stuck for something to do in this amazing city. I am more than certain that the majority of you will be familiar with the fabulous Southbank. The best place to head for if you are ever at a loose end, come rain or shine this place is always bustling!!! And of course it houses the ultimate in art museums, The Tate Modern. Yesss! Prior to my move South i had only ever visited the Tate at Albert Dock, Liverpool! Not particularly bowled over by the experience i was unsure about visiting the capitals, however, i ventured and i was hooked!!!

And if you haven't been yet, then this is why you should...

One of the most influential artists of his generation. Damien Hirst. As powerful and thought-provoking now as his first emergence way back in 1988. This latest exhibition brings together Hirst's work from over the past twenty years. See his Natural History exhibit which shows a shark suspended in formaldehyde. In & Out Of Love, a two-part installation that hasn't been fully shown since 1990. Full of iconic sculptures, seminal paintings and his 1992 Pharmacy, there are more than a few highlights that make this a MUST-SEE!!!

Whether you're an avid art fanatic or not this will definitely not diappoint. Running from April 4th-Septhember 9th making it perfect for the Summer holiday trips, it is priced at £15.50. May seem slightly steep but this is one of those 'once in a blue moon' type exhibitions. One not to be missed. And i have my very own southern beaut Dan waiting in Le Capitale to go and see it with! Ahhh perfect!!!

Don't. Miss. Out. Whatever you do!!!Xxx


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