Times Style...

For those of you think you missed out on Harvey Nichols Times Style Event, well you are very much mistaken!! Not only may you have enjoyed the champers and (hot) DJ today, but you can also sample the delights tomorrow also! Music to your ears I bet...quite literally! Easy-on-the-eye models parading their wears around the store, drinks flowing and a welcoming variety of songs blasting out! Sure to put anyone in a shopping mood! So, if you haven't spent enough at OFW then get yourself down to Harvey Nichols and hammer those credit cards some more! I am sure they can withstand the pressure!

Oh, and in other news, I am lead to believe that I am back on the web good and proper!!! Excellent! Now all I need is a day off to blast out those posts! Ahhh, only three days left of the seven day run! Hardcore!!!Xxx


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