Leaving On A Jetplane...

Passport. Check
Euros. Check
Overly packed and full to bursting case. Check

And so the day has arrived! In a few small hours i will be boarding that plane to the sunnier climes of Tenerife. With the promise of sun, sea and sand beckoning...absolutely nothing will spoil my mood. Interview done and dusted, several wines consumed on holiday eve, work over for quite sometime and the prospect of SS12 collections to view upon my return. Ahhh i do love this time of year! Don't get me wrong, i am still the biggest Scrooge you shall ever meet however, in fashion terms it is the most exciting time!!!

Now i could get totally carried away, but it is only 07:45 a.m. so i have to even out the hyperactivity throughout the course of the day.

Until my return i bid you all farewell. With the promise of many photos to show and the ultimate in 'What I Wore Today...' posts, i wish you all the most amazing week!

So long, farewell...!!!Xxx


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