What Becomes Of The Brokenhearted??!

What indeed does become of them?? Well having suffered from it myself more than once, it almost seems inappropriate to speak of 'them' as though they are somehow a different specie. Instead, i shall stand up and be counted and use the word 'We!' So, here goes:

1) We cry (a number of times, however this may increase depending on levels of alcohol consumption.)

2) We shop. Often. (depending on the state of bank balance after many debauched nights out)

3) We get fit (perhaps in a 'hit the gym, pump some iron' kind of way. But becoming the next female bodybuilder is never going to drive that certain ex wild.) Nope. I mean we get HOT, and i mean sizzling HOT!!!!!

4) We return. Back form the depths of despair. We return with a vengeance. Oh yesssss!

Now, i am sure many of you would agree that the perfect antidote for heartbreak is...no, not always alcohol, but SHOPPING! 'Tis a well known fact that spending money can cure many ailments, however the joy can be short lived, especially if, like me, shopping is more of a profession than a part-time hobby. You have to keep your passion for it and for fashion itself burning. Don't feed it all in one go and then starve it, you have to feed it little and often. Otherwise, it's never going to go away! Investing in key pieces is defintiely going to keep you going through these somewhat dreary months. So no more 'roll on 2012! 2011 sucks!' all hail 2011!!!!! Just look at whats out there (apart from hot men. Concentrate) and make your wishlist become reality! I have never seen the trends looking oh so perfect. I could shed one solitary tear of joy at the looks this season (only one as i promised my friends i was going cold turkey on the old crying front!!) Just take a look at these beauties you could be treating yourself to, and if they dont inspire you then you need to have a serious word with yourself and realise that no man is worth it. Ladies, shake off those cobwebs in your purse, get out that plastic, get your gladrags on, a cocktail in your hand and get back in the game!
I thank you!!!

Boxy blazer New Look £29.99 (also available in Cobalt blue)
Purple Trouser River Island £29.99
Orange Top River Island £29.99 (perfect with the above trouser!!! Go on, be daring. Stand out!)
Harley Origami High Sandal ASOS £80.00
Feather Leaf Torc Topshop £16.50
Printed Maxi Skirt Tesco £28 (ideal with the heeled sandal, necklace and a loose vest!)
Camel Colour Block Midi Dorothy Perkins £29.50


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