Londons Calling!

So, here i am awaiting my lift to the station! I have a feeling that i am taking far too many clothes for a three day stay, but come on, this is London. The city where it is perfectly acceptable to change outfits at least three times on the same day! Whilst waiting i started to peruse a few hight street labels to see what they have to offer along the lines of the trends of this season. If, like me, you work ridiculous hours for a mere pittance of a wage (if you can even call it that), then you too can emulate the beauties of the catwalk for a nice price! I know that alot of you wouldnt even think of venturing to the likes of Asda or Dorothy Perkins (Dot P's for those in the biz...hahah). However, i will most certainly be dashing to Owlcotes to purchase the long pleated skirt for SEVEN WHOLE POUNDS! Yes, you read right, you cant even get a double vodka for you and your bestest for that these days. So, as February draws to a close and you feel the need to lift yourselves somewhat, then take a look at these bargains and get yourself to the shops. The majority is form Asda, Miss Selfridge and Dotty P's (oooh quirky!!!) and a bit of River Island thrown in, or Chelsea Girl if you are old enough to remember that! I am already slightly hyperventilating at the thought of not being able to post for a few days, however all i can say is beware! As when i return i will be all guns a-

blazing and coming at you with news staright from the heart of it! Ahhh the demise of a relationship has paid off in a positive way for a change! Welcome to The Cult people! Join, join , join away and enjoy the ramblings of a heartbroken (not so much now actually!) fashionista!!


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